Artist Review: BOOL – “Fly With Me” LP

Review by: Justyn Brodsky

Time to put the synthesizers away, and grasp onto some adrenaline-pumped Rock & Roll.

German-Rockers BOOL have put together a collection of top-notch and top-quality tracks with their upcoming LP Fly With Me, slated for official release on August 28th. We here at Artist Reach got to take a sneak-peek of the album, and this is an LP that will not disappoint tryout in the least.

From hard hitting riffs and guitar tones to a punchy rhythm section solidifying a very dynamic and energetic sound Fly With Me is definitely an album that you’ll be flyin with for awhile. The song “Here We Are”, accompanied by a very stylish Music Video that showcases the band’s stage presence and unanimous energy while they perform, is definitely a song that is not only heavy and innovative, but also memorable as well. It’s a track that definitely brings you back to the old days when a catchy chorus was one of the top priorities in Rock. And in “Here We Are” we have an amazingly catchy chorus and great backup vocals that delve you right into the band’s brilliant songwriting and energetic persona.

“Soul Train” is another gem from this album. With a great opening guitar riff, low to mid-range vocals that are very effective, we get another hybrid track with elements from both yesterday and today’s Rock influences. We definitely hear a 90s and 2000s sound, mixed with some of today’s best Rock-infused qualities as well. Regardless, we get a great formula for BOOL‘s songwriting and a pumped-up chemistry for their stage energy and solid edge to their image”

Now with the next track “Kick Arse”, the title does not do you wrong. This is one of the tracks that really demonstrates the versatility within the band’s approach, mixed with some insatiably amazing guitar work and production quality. This is the track that grabs you by the throat and never lets go. It’s an absolute refreshment to hear a song like this, because some bands and artists overestimate themselves. But this track definitey will give you a kick in the arse! From ripping guitar solos, well crafted lyrical content, and a heavy hitting introduction into the verses, this song will leave you at the edge of your seat unless you strap yourself in for the ride.

Their next track “Love Is the Answer” tones it down a bit, but is still just as effective as the other songs. It has great subtle vocals that pick up in strength as the song progresses, and there’s an ambient feel to this one as well. You could call it the ballad of the Album, but in my opinion, I think it’s another angle to the band altogether. Something that showcases the same signature sound the band is known for, but with a different approach that will definitely get you to love the band even more; by taking in their diversity and ability to show another side to their formula.

Now if you loved any of the tracks from Bush‘s Sixteen Stone album, then the track “Desire” is definitely one for you. Another song from this LP from heavy in-your-face guitar riffs, a mercilessly pounding rhythm section, to powerful vocals that brings out the cleverly executed vocal structures and great melodies that stir it up perfectly. In fact, most of this album uses this formula; and that’s just fine with us, because it’s a Rock songs like this that remind us that high-energy and well-written Rock music still exists.

And that’s what we grasp with BOOL‘s Fly With Me. Relentless guitar riffs, top notch production quality, great drum fills and bass lines, tied together perfectly for excellent vocal melodies to bring out the best of these songs. It’s not often that you’ll run into Rock bands in this day and age with this sort of craft anymore, but when you take a listen to BOOL‘s new record, you’ll be reminded of that untouchable Rock era we’ve all come to grow and love, mixed with today’s production quality that can either destroy an album, or make it shine. This album shines completely, from start to finish. Germany has a gem with BOOL rocking the landscape. Take a listen for yourself, and you’ll see exactly why.

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